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Training ProgramsAugust 27, 2024

In a world full of black and white, we often forget to appreciate the greys. The shades of monsoon make us feel like the sun abandoned the earth entirely. Hopelessness starts to creep in from places you didn’t know were broken. That is when you sit alone and speak to your depths. The dark, the painful, the shameful parts of you seem to resurface just like they did last monsoon and you go back to being lonely. The air is thick and heavy with moisture and it settles in the walls of your home, your skin. 

Trees and creepers start filling in the crevices and the fractured walls. Through the scars, something completely alien grows and blends in with the old body. Isn’t that what we truly are? 
We are our past, we are our present and we are our future. We are everything. We are the greys, and the yellows, the greens and the browns and the blues. 

Creepers through my scars is for everyone going through emotions of abandonment, pain and hopelessness. Monsoon invites a great deal of grief, but with it comes acceptance and forgiveness for the cherished guests that you thought would never leave, and especially for yourself. 

It is the time for hope, for healing, for harmony. 

On a rainy day
I sit.
I sit and let the leaves grow through my wounds,
Fresh and open
They speak to me about bygone days

A lost, neglected body
I can’t recognise myself
When I look at the creepers
Growing through me,
The torn flesh fades to a graceful scar

Love them still.
Love those who were too scared to stay

Love them still.
With the new love
With the hope flowering out of your matter.

Drown in nature’s mighty hands,
Let go of the sorrow dragging at your feet.
Simply let go,
Like nature does in monsoons.

Let go of the very clay you’re made of.

On a rainy day,
I sit.
I sit and mourn the death of transient joys

I sit alone
And my spirit awaits another guest.

I wait,
and the creepers grow through my scars.

I listen with unmoving patience, the slow footsteps of light.

Concept and writing: Abeni Manzar
Photographs by: Abeni Manzar, Ahasthya & Vaibhav Rajamani


POWERED BY forwwward